
10000 Hits!

Woohoo! Reviewing Shelf has 10000 hits. Wow! I am so overcome with emotions. Thank you everyone. You have made this small effort of mine into such a big success. It feels like a dream when I started this blog just 4 months back.

I have changed the blog design in honor of this little accomplishment that means so much to me. Also, in its celebration, there are almost 6 Giveaways coming up in April, if not more. Hope you keep with me in this reading and reviewing journey of mine. 🙂

29 thoughts on “10000 Hits!”

  1. Congrats! Although I’m nowhere near 10,000 hits, it’s still nice to see that there continue to be hits every day on my blog. I know you’re super proud of yourself! Love the new look, BTW; very pretty and fun!


Your comments make my day. I read them all. :) Note: This blog is an Award-Free Zone.