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Bloggish Chit-Chat

There are a few things I have been wanting to talk about and show you that are new on the blog. Now that I have a couple of them to share, I will do it.

I changed the blog design a couple of days back. Do you like it? Hate it? As always, I love your feedback.

I haven’t been able to do too many free and cheap hauls post lately. But I regularly update the Amazon Kindle Freebies on the top of the left sidebar.  <———————

On the right side, you will see a button that says ‘Advertise here’. If you are an author or publisher wanting to promote your book, promo tour or any other book related products, you are most welcome to click on the link for more information. ———–>

All the ways to follow the blog are now neatly aligned in the right sidebar. Just click on the icon to follow the blog whichever way you want. ——————>

And now for a very interesting part, I have  a new blog button which was created for free by the lovely Faye from A Daydreamer’s thoughts. Yes, for free! And it looks so amazing. Thank you, Faye. You’re awesome.


She also created a button for a new feature I have been planning on the blog. I read way more than I review. Sometimes I slack when it comes to writing reviews. In order to remediate that situation, I am going to do this feature every Friday where I review books I read in 2012.


I recently broadened my reviewing horizons and joined as an associate reviewer at one of my favorite blogs, Pages of Forbidden Love. My first review – Leo will be posted on March 27. I would really like it if you could stop over there on March 27 to read my review and check out this lovely blog.

I also recently became a guest reviewer at another one of my favorite blogs, Kindle and Me. I reviewed Wool and have another review coming up in some time.

Also, I am now an online content writer for IndiaBookStore which is an awesome site if you’re looking to buy/gift books from/to India at the lowest prices.

And lastly, I joined Bloglovin’ if you would like to follow the blog there. Follow my blog with Bloglovin.


Phew! That’s it. Thank you for patiently reading. See you around!

12 thoughts on “Bloggish Chit-Chat”

  1. I am still navigating the new site and getting used to it. I will let you know my thoughts when I have used it a few more times. Wow! You are signed up to do a lot. How on earth will you keep track of it all? That is neat that you are helping out an indie bookstore. Running reviews from 2012 isn’t a bad idea. I still have a whole slew from 2011 that never made my blog. I really need to get them run.


    1. I’ll be waiting for your thoughts, Heidi. Lol, it doesn’t even include all the non-bookish activities I have going on. Yeah, I am a multi-tasker, can’t stick with just one thing. Wow, 2011! Good luck, Heidi. I feel a bit better now, I thought I was the only one. :-p


  2. I used to hold off on writing reviews, especially if I was in a hurry for the next book, but due to my bad memory, that doesn’t work out so well for me… O.O Now I have a bunch of books I need to REread before I can review… LOL

    The new design is very clean and easy to work with, but … I agree with the others that it lacks that little bit of excitement I know you tend to favor. 🙂

    Anyway, sorry I don’t comment more!


    1. Hey Katy, thanks for stopping by. Ah, that excitement, yes. *big grin* I have a poor memory too but I can’t possibly reread those books *gasp* with so many others to read. I will give my memory a jog instead. 🙂


  3. The new design is nice, and easy to read. I agree with Julie that it’s a little stark for you 🙂 But I’m sure you will make it your own! Also, I love the meme idea…I always review right after I read something, but I know that that is NOT the case for a lot of bloggers. Can’t wait to read your reviews!


    1. Thank you, Kelly! I love how you know me so well even through my blog design. ((big happy hugs)) Sometimes I get in this reading mode and keep reading one book after the other, so reviewing takes a backseat. But I have to rectify it. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂


    1. Thank you for letting me know, Julie. I have been having a little mixed feelings about this design too. Glad you told me what you think. 🙂 And don’t feel bad. I am happy you told me.


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