Cheap Hauls

25 hours, 50 books! Upto 60% off!


So what is this thing?

The Countdown promotion will run for 25 hours, starting at 9am BST, Tuesday 1 July 2014. There will be a new book available on our homepage for a great price every 30 minutes. The last one will go up Wednesday 2 July at 9:30am BST.

Can I buy all the books?

You can buy as many of the books as you like; we offer free worldwide delivery, so there is no harm in shopping again & again throughout the day. You are however limited to three copies of each book per person — it’s only fair that as many people as possible get to grab a bargain.

What happens if I’m checking out and the books run out?

The book you’re ordering is only definitely yours when you see the confirmation page — up to that point if someone beats you to it, then sorry you’re out of luck. We hope everyone will get at least one of the titles they’re after.

These offers are really good, are they the same books as normal?

Yes — we’ve done some very special deals with some very special publishers to bring you these great bargains.

Oops. In all the excitement I bought a book I don’t want.

That’s fine. Don’t panic — just cancel your order using our online cancellation form.

Is there a way to find out what the next offer is?

No, sorry, the fact it’s a secret is all part of the fun!

I added a book to my basket and it was removed, what happened?

Sorry, the book sold out during the time it took to add it to your basket, better luck next time.

I fell asleep waiting for the next product and missed it — can I still get it at the offer price somehow?

Sorry, no. These offers are known as WIGIGs in the trade (When It’s Gone, It’s Gone); after the offer is over you’ll often be able to buy the book again but at the normal price.

How long are you doing the offer for?

A new title will be added from 9am BST on Tuesday 1 July to 9:30am BST on Wednesday 2 July. Then we’ll all need a bit of a lie down.

Are the products on offer still shipped for free?

Yes, indeed they are. We have free worldwide delivery.

Are there any tricks to get through the checkout quickly?

We recommend that you set up an account (although you don’t need one to shop) and add a credit card ready, save fumbling around when too excited (though you will still need your CVV number).



Don’t miss out!

3 thoughts on “25 hours, 50 books! Upto 60% off!”

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