Book reviews, Giveaway

Become (Desolation #1) by Ali Cross & Giveaway (INT)

Summary: Sixteen-year old Desolation Black wants nothing more than to stay in Hell where it’s cold and lonely and totally predictable. Instead, she’s sent back to Earth where she must face the evil she despises and the good she always feared.

When Desi is forced to embrace her inner demon, she assumes her choice has been made—that she has no hope of being anything other than what her father, Lucifer, has created her to be. What she doesn’t count on, is finding a reason to change—something she’s never had before—a friend.

Get it here – Free on Amazon! | Add at Goodreads | Buy Desolate (Desolation #2) | Buy Destined (Desolation #3) |

My View: I read the first in the Desolation series – Become. It is unlike anything I have read so far. It’s about demons, angels, valkyries and more.

It’s easy to get into but about some way into the book,  it gets so complicated that it took me time to get my head around it. It could be because I have never read something as intense as this. The plot is elaborate and takes time to understand. There’s so much going around that I had to keep track of what was before, what is now.

Ali Cross has woven the plot tightly with no editing errors, everything is precise and the way it should be.

I enjoyed reading the book, it made for a good read. Though you may want to be alert and attentive when you’re reading this, you don’t want to miss even a scene. As I said, it’s complicated.

Author Bio:

Ali Cross is the sensei of the writer’s dojo where she holds a black belt in awesome. She lives in Utah with her kickin’ husband, two sparring sons, one ninja cat, two sumo dogs and four zen turtles. Ali is the author of the Desolation series, a young adult paranormal romance about the kick-butt devil’s daughter and her search for a destiny of her own choosing.

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