
Bout of Books: Reading List

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

Hosted by Amanda @ On a Book BenderKelly @ Reading the ParanormalShirley @ Creative Deeds Reads and Hannah @ Once Upon a Time.

I am participating in the Bout of Books Read-a-thon. See my original post HERE.

A week and 134 votes later, my reading list is ready. Thank you everyone who voted. See the Vote Results HERE.

My reading list for the read-a-thon. (Click on cover for Amazon link and Title for Goodreads link.)

The clear winner with a whopping 20 votes is The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)  by Julie Kagawa.

The second book with 14 votes is Kill Me Softly  by Sarah Cross.

The third books are at a tie with 10 votes each. They are Hourglass Series – (Hourglass, #1) Timepiece by Myra McEntire AND Velveteen (Velveteen, #1)  by Daniel Marks.

The next with 8 votes is Lies Beneath (Lies Beneath #1)  by Anne Greenwood Brown.

And with 7 votes each, the next on my list are Juliet Immortal (Juliet Immortal #1) Romeo Redeemed (Juliet Immortal #2) by Stacey Jay AND The Hunt (The Hunt, #1)  by Andrew Fukuda .

Apart from these books, I am also hoping to read for review-

So I’m a Double Threat (Double Threat, #1)  by Julie Prestsater

Xor: The Shape of Darkness  by Moshe Sipper

Farsighted (Farsighted, #1)  by Emlyn Chand

For some pleasure reading, I intend to read-

Still Alice  by Lisa Genova

It Rains in February: A Wife’s Memoir of Love and Loss  by Leila Summers

One Hundred Years of Solitude  by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez


Added later: Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth

Straight to Heaven by Michelle Scott

I think I may have gone a bit overboard. But well, that’s all that I hope to read this week.

Total books to read – 15  17

Check out Updates Here.

36 thoughts on “Bout of Books: Reading List”

  1. Wow! At least I’m not the only one who has a huge pile to read for this!! I haven’t read The Immortal Rules, Timepiece, Kill Me Softly, Velveteen, or The Hunt yet – but they are all on my TBR wishlist!! They didn’t seem to make my cut for this read-a-thon though. Good luck & happy reading!


  2. wow that is quite the pile of books! I sure hope you can read really fast to get through all of those.

    I hope you enjoy reading that large pile and that you have a great/fun read-a-thon!


  3. Ugh…. my witty comment got sucked out into the internet. Oh well. Basically, I said good luck with all your books. 🙂


  4. OMG!! wow, what a super long reading list but yet amazing books in there!! I have some of those on my reading list (not for this read-a-thon though), Timepiece will be read next week,i hope. I am really intrigued by the Juliet Immortal and Romeo redeemed- will you be reviewing all the books you read on your blog?
    thanks xx


  5. Wow, these are a lot of books for one week. I hope you actually manage to read them all. I’d love to get my hands on Kill me Softly and Velveteen. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by.


    1. Ha ha! I’m thinking this ambitious’ness will kill me some day. 😉 LOL!

      Thanks for stopping by. Haven’t seen you around lately. Though I have been busy too.


  6. Great list of books! I have Farsighted on my Kindle and I really need to read that one too. Have fun and good luck! (Did you link up the post on the Bout-of-Books site. If you did, I missed it. Sorry!)


      1. I just linked up. Thank you for stopping by. My clock is going to announce 00:00am of 14 May in about 18 minutes. So I am all ready to go. 🙂 Just finishing up a few books I am reading.


  7. What a great mix!!! I hope you can make a big dent, if not finish them all! I’m hoping I can manage to read more than on my own list…but I’m in a bit of a reading slump.


  8. Awesome list!!! I’m hoping I can manage more than what is on my own list, but I’ve been slacking off badly recently…kind of in a reading slump.

    Good luck!


      1. Your welcome. Good luck with reading them all. I could never read so many in one week. I read on average 3 or 4 books a week.


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