
Bout of Books 4.0 Readathon: Updates

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon

Hosted by Amanda @ On a Book BenderKelly @ Reading the ParanormalShirley @ Creative Deeds Reads and Hannah @ Once Upon a Time.

I think by now you know that I am participating in this Read-a-thon. See the original post and my reading list.

To not make you go crazy with all the challenges I hope to participate in, I will be updating the daily challenges and reading updates in this post itself.


Yeah, yeah, I know I completely bombed this read-a-thon. I had lofty goals (15 books), lol (I can only laugh at it now) but between my parents’ trying to wean me from my Kindle, and a bit of blog-posting, blog-visiting and tweeting, I only managed to read 6 books. 6 books in 7 days!! Atleast I could have read a book a day. But well, I couldn’t get into some of my books, so that didn’t help too. But I do have 3 other books started (the total page read of those books could easily mean half a book). (I’m consoling myself.)

And I have reviewed 4 of those books so that should amount to something, you know that does take time.

So I finished reading

Challenges Participated in : All

Reviews posted: Divergent by Veronica Roth
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Straight to Heaven by Michelle Scott
So I’m a Double Threat by Julie Prestsater

Total Pages read: 2027 (which doesn’t sound that bad, right?)

And I had lots of fun!!



In Saturday Challenge, Smash @ Smash Attack Reads wants us to write Book Spine Poetry.

In Friday ChallengeJacinda @The Reading Housewives wants us to take any book we like and match up a character in the book OR the cover of the book to a shoe.

This is both for the cover as well as Mirabelle’s character.

In Wednesday Challenge, Shannon @BooksDevoured wants us to choose any book cover and Re-Title it!

In Tuesday ChallengeCeline from Nyx Book Reviews gives us a choice of choosing from two questions. I am taking up the second one.

Answer all of these “this or that” questions.

Physical book or eBook? Seriously, I have to answer that? *sigh* So difficult. Well, earlier I would have said physical books all the way but now after I have got my Kindle…umm.. Ok, I still adore physical books. So yes, Physical books, it is.

Paperback or Hardcover? Gosh, I love Hardcovers even though they are not as easy to carry/ read.

Reality or Make-believe? Hmm.. make-believe, I guess. Reality is around us every day, so for the most part, I would like to get lost in a make-believe world.

Adult or Young-Adult? Young Adult. Adult is too adult for me at times. LOL!

Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks all the way. Dog ears? No way.

Breaking the spine or Barely open the book? Ha ha! Barely open the book. You should see me read my books. It’s like I am peeking in. 😀

Tea or Coffee? Umm, as much as I love my green tea, I adore coffee more.

Reading in bed or On the couch? On the bed definitely. I need more leg space.

Series or Standalone? Standalone please! Where did they vanish? I haven’t read a single series yet, so you get the idea. All the popular books are series but I refuse to read them till all are out. And even when they are all out, I have to find time on my calendar to read them back-to-back. So difficult!

Original or TV Adaptation? Original for me.

Defy motion sickness or Audiobooks? Ha ha! Umm, defy motion sickness, my ears are a tad too sensitive to earphones/ headphones. 😦 I know!

Author crushes or Who-was-that-guy-again? LOL! I don’t have many but yes a few Author Crushes it is.

Interview or Guest post? Guest post! Even though I love to interview authors, guest post offers such a wide variety and sometimes lets you know more about the author than an interview does.

In Monday challenge, Sarah asks: “What do you like best about readathons? Do you have any readathon traditions or rituals? If this is your first readathon, what do you like so far?”

I love chatting/ tweeting with fellow readers/ bloggers on what they are reading, how they are liking it and of course, I end up with a 100 more books on my TBR that way. I love the camaraderie that such read-a-thons brings out among all of us.

Not really a tradition or ritual but of course I end up snacking/ drinking tea a lot to go with my reading. 😉

This is not my first readathon but it has proved be sort of amazing for me already. My very first Kindle which I had been pining on for so long arrived early just in time for the Read-a-thon. I was hoping for it to happen but I knew it couldn’t. The estimated delivery date initially was May 24, so I knew I would miss it during the read-a-thon and then it changed to May 16 and lo and behold, it arrived on Monday afternoon. Woohoo! I read 80% of my first book for the Read-a-thon on my Kindle. Very excited. I hope to read all those 15 books now and maybe some more. 😉

Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books read: 1
Books: So I’m a Double Threat (Double Threat, #1)  by Julie Prestsater
Pages: 226

Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books read: 2
Books: Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Pages: 292

Can’t get into anything today.
Number of books I’ve read today: 0
Total number of books read: 2
Books: Started Farsighted (Farsighted, #1) by Emlyn ChandVelveteen (Velveteen, #1) by Daniel MarksJuliet Immortal (Juliet Immortal #1) by Stacey Jay and Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross
Pages: 78 + 46 + 18 + 82 = 224

Number of books I’ve read today: 0
Total number of books read: 2
Books: Farsighted (Farsighted, #1) by Emlyn Chand and Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth
Pages: 50 + 130 = 180

Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books read: 3
Books: Divergent (Divergent, #1) by Veronica Roth
Pages: 357

Number of books I’ve read today: 1
Total number of books read: 4
Books: Farsighted (Farsighted, #1) by Emlyn ChandHourglass (Hourglass, #1)  by Myra McEntire
Pages: 165 + 45 = 210

Number of books I’ve read today: 2
Total number of books read: 6
Books: Straight to Heaven  by Michelle Scott & Hourglass (Hourglass, #1)  by Myra McEntire
Pages: 196 + 342 = 538

81 thoughts on “Bout of Books 4.0 Readathon: Updates”

  1. I’m so jealous that you finished hourglass! I still haven’t yet. Too much life stuff in the way ;( It looks like you got a lot of reading done. Nice job!


  2. Glad you had a great week and enjoy your Kindle. I absolutely love mine. (Actually, I have 2. I bought a regular Kindle and last Christmas I won my Kindle Fire. They are both awesome!) 😉 Hope you get to join us in August!


  3. 6 books is awesome. I probably could have finished my 6th..but it was soooooooooooooo nice out this weekend.


  4. Six books and over 2000 pages sound like a good achievement to me! And you participated in all the challenges, wow! I loved your book spine poetry, so beautiful!


  5. Wow……6 books is still absolutely amazing, especially considering all the blogging you have done, tweets and reading blogs etc. I only managed 4 and not even as many pages as you, and i didn’t tweet as much as i thought i would and i have all my book reviews to do, plus i haven’t visited as many blogs as planned. I hope you do feel proud of yourself, because you should be 🙂 I plan to read Hourglass soon, what did you think of it? are you doing a review on it? xx


    1. Wow, thank you so much. You sure did make me feel way better. 😀 Can i appoint you as my official cheerleader please? Say yes, pretty please. 🙂

      I really liked Hourglass and hopefully will be posting a review of it this week.


  6. You’ve been killing this readathon 🙂 I love my Kindle! I don’t know what I’d do without it 🙂 Still Alice is my book club book this month and I’ve heard so many good things about it – can’t wait to read it.

    Love your Weds. and Fri challenge answers!

    Sarah E.


    1. Well, not really. My goal was huge and I’m really behind. 😦 Oh, I’m already in love with my Kindle too. 🙂

      Adored Still Alice, I recently reviewed it.

      Thank you for stopping by, Sarah.


  7. Love your shoe/book match up! But, I don’t think those shoes would kill all too softly if stabbed into someone, lol! Those are some serious heels! ha! 🙂 . (..I think I may watch too many TV shoes like Bones and CSI to come up with shoe
    My match up is at

    This was such a fun little challenge!!!


  8. I have Farsighted on my Kindle but haven’t started it yet. I really need to get on that. Not this week though. I’ve already strayed from my original list once (no surprise there!) Keep up the great pace!


      1. I had totally forgotten what the cover for Torment looked like, but as soon as I saw it, I was immediately inspired with arm pit sniffing scenarios and such, lol!


  9. Love it, love it! So glad you got your Kindle. I adore mine — and in fact I’m on my second one. I even have the Kindle app on my Blackberry and my iPad. Reading with the iPad is just not working for me, though — it’s too heavy. I think it may be a great platform for children’s books to use with my grandchildren, though.

    I’m having a great time in #boutofbooks. I like your challenge responses. And, you’ve read a whole lot more than I have. You’re reading as much each day as I’ve managed to read for the entire week. I’m still working on the first book which I started at midnight:01 on Monday morning. Have read a total of 254 pages.


    1. I’m loving my Kindle! 🙂 Good to know you have all these devices, makes it easy to read on the go. Oh yes, children will love those colored ebooks. 🙂

      254 pages is good! What book are you reading?


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