Top 10 of 2014

Best Plots I’ve Read in 2014

This week long event is hosted by Two Chicks on Books, Rachel from Fiktshun, Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads, Rachel from Reading YA Rocks and Nancy fromTales of a Ravenous Reader!

Today’s topic is: Best Plots I’ve Read in 2014 


This list is different from my best reads of 2014 because it only gives credit to the plot. I could have hated the writing or not liked how the book went askew later on but if I loved the plot, it made it to this list.

As an afterthought I am not including any of the best books I read in 2014 because most of them do have amazing plots but this list won’t limit itself to 10 if I include those. So this is only books with a great plot but somehow didn’t make it to my top 10 for the year.


An innovative plot, must say.  I gave the book 3 stars in the end but it could have been better.


The plot had a lot of potential but somehow it didn’t come upto my expectations in terms of how it went on. I was planning to read the next in the series but found all disappointing reviews on GR, so probably not.


A non-fiction, this one does deserve accolades for making it out in the world. Sharing your difficult life story is not an easy task, for sure.


A bit on the never-ending side but it’s different from all the teenage love stories out there.


I wouldn’t have come up with something like this in ages. The plot is wow!


The concept of this book is too cute not to be mentioned. I loved, loved, loved getting to know the authors. Mindblowing!


Another near-miss. This one had a lot going for it.


And of course, this one. My first read written in emails. I liked it.


This one tugged at my heartstrings.


A book in letters? About books? What’s not to like?


What are your favorite book plots of 2014? Let me know by commenting below or leave a link so I can check yours.

6 thoughts on “Best Plots I’ve Read in 2014”

Your comments make my day. I read them all. :) Note: This blog is an Award-Free Zone.