Blogoversary, Giveaway, Guest Post

Blogoversary Special: Guest Post & Giveaway (INT) by Tawdra Kandle

images-2-1So another one of my Blogoversary Special Post which means I read and loved a book this year. But here I’m talking about two books – Breathless and Fearless.I am still to read the third one in The King Series by Tawdra Kandle – Restless.
breathless 3 rs textI am also inviting Tawdra Kandle to Reviewing Shelf. She’s been here once before for an interview and fearless rs w texttoday she’s going to do a guest post on Character Sketching.

Welcome to Reviewing Shelf, Tawdra.


Character Sketching of The King Series’ Characters

Shortly before the publication of my third book RESTLESS, I was planning an on-line party with the Release Day Diva. She 269162_10150213032152312_558562311_7794677_6359989_n-150x145suggested that I create Facebook pages for my main characters, which was simple enough. . .until it was time to choose profile pictures for Tasmyn, Michael, Nell and Rafe.  I scoured the internet for hours, trying to find photos that closely matched the descriptions in The King Series. None of them were immediately just right, and it dawned on me that I really didn’t know–or care–what they looked like.

Some writers create characters fully formed. They can physically see them; sometimes, they’re even inspired by actual people, either celebri ties or their own family, friends or acquaintances.  I’m sure that’s handy when it comes to describing them. But my people don’t come to me that way. When I meet them, it’s more a sense of who they are. I don’t necessarily see their faces, their hair color or their build, unless that goes into some particularly telling aspect of personality. Instead, I know something important about that character. The first thing I knew about Tasmyn was that she was terribly lonely. She had lived a life of isolation, watching–and listening to–the world around her.

15725794Oddly, of all the characters in The King Series, Nell is the most visible. I could tell you immediately that she has long black hair–not exactly curly, but certainly not straight. And she also has pale blue eyes, which are in stark contrast to her hair color.  All of this is part of her family heritage, which of course is a huge influence on Nell’s psyche and being.

But while I may not be able to describe Tas and Michael down to their teeth, I can tell you about any aspect of their history and their pasts. It’s a little strange–but extremely cool–to somehow know the most minute details about people who have never really existed. It’s also indicative of my writing style.  I am always, first and foremost, intrigued by the whys and wherefores of people, places and situations.  What a character is wearing, how she looks, isn’t as important to me as what she’s thinking or what happened earlier in her life that is influencing her current mindset. I want to know why Nell becomes interested in witchcraft and why she is susceptible to the influence of Marica Lacusta.

So you won’t see me posting character pictures often, and I am thrilled that the new covers of FEARLESS, BREATHLESS and RESTLESS don’t depend on a particular girl. Instead they capture the essence of the story. Because, at least in my world, it really is more about what’s on the inside of a person.

What a thought-provoking post! Thank you so much for being at Reviewing Shelf, Tawdra.

Read Fearless,  Breathless and Restless – Books 1, 2 and 3 of The King Series


Available at Amazon in both ebook and paperback at select independent book sellers.

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Giveaway (INT)

Tawdra is very graciously giving away signed copies of all three books in paperback form for the US/Canada or ebooks of all three internationally.

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